While a denture can be an affordable solution for replacing many teeth at a time, it’s hardly foolproof. For one, dentures can begin to slide and shift out of place after enough use, making them cumbersome and frustrating to use. Additionally, they don’t quite feel like your previous teeth, even if they look incredibly natural. That’s where implant-retained dentures in Belmont from Dr. Salibian come in! If you want the most stable denture possible, call us!
Dental implants are designed to not just replace missing teeth, but replace them entirely thanks to a titanium post that works to mimic tooth roots. While single dental implants can hold dedicated crowns, implant-retained dentures are capable of restoring the entire arch. The key difference is you won’t need to have a dedicated implant for each tooth you need to replace. In fact, many patients only need to receive anywhere between four and six implants to replace an entire arch of teeth! In some cases, your old denture can even be customized to snap onto dental implants.
Chances are if you are missing several teeth and you’re tired of your current denture, you’re likely a candidate for implant-retained dentures. Of course, the only way to know for sure is to complete a dedicated consultation and examination process at our office. This gives our dentist time to evaluate your current oral health, the condition of your jawbone, and whether an implant-retained denture is the best tooth replacement option for you. If we determine you are eligible for care, we’ll get started planning your treatment and scheduling you for implant placement.
Following the completion of your planning phase of care, we’ll schedule you to complete oral surgery at sometime in the near future. Our office is happy to perform the entire implantation process in-house for your convenience. To place the implants, small incisions in your gum tissue are made so they have room to reach your jawbone. Then, the gums are stitched close and the healing process can begin. After enough time has passed and we’ve confirmed your implants have completely bonded, we can place an abutment on top of the implants so your permanent restorations can attach as well.
When you choose implant-retained dentures to replace teeth, there are many benefits to look forward to. For example:
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