Do you have missing teeth that impact your appearance and lifestyle? If so, you may benefit from our custom-made dentures in Belmont. Dr. David Salibian offers a variety of denture options to treat a wide range of cases. Before committing to your treatment, we’ve included some important information you may be curious about! Read on to learn more about our dentures and whether or not they are right for you.
Because no two smiles are the same, the only way to know for certain if you’re a good candidate for dentures is to visit our office for a consultation with Dr. Salibian. He will carefully examine your mouth and the condition of your overall health before recommending a personalized treatment plan. Keep in mind that any preexisting issues must be corrected before getting dentures. However, most people who are missing teeth are eligible for this treatment. To schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to contact our office!
Sometimes, those who have lost teeth think they can cope without replacing them, especially if the gap is located toward the back of the mouth. But leaving these large spaces in your smile can harm your well-being as well as your appearance. Your remaining teeth can shift to fill in the gap, leading to an uneven bite and a harder time eating. Dentures can keep your teeth in their ideal alignment and allow you to eat more of the foods your body needs for strength and health.
The minimum requirement to be a good candidate for dentures, other than missing teeth, is having a healthy mouth. Keep in mind that if you have an infection, we’ll need to address it first. Plus, you may need tooth extractions in the case of full or implant-retained dentures. Usually, denture candidates are those who are committed to oral health/denture maintenance and who are ready to enjoy a full set of teeth again.
If you are considering all your options for tooth replacement, you need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of securing your dentures to dental implants. The porcelain and acrylic prosthetic is basically the same, but instead of only resting on top of the gums, your dentures would be secured to posts, which are embedded in the jawbone. With this additional support and stability, your dentures can last significantly longer, feel more comfortable, and enable a stronger bite. However, even if you decide to go with traditional dentures, we’ll be happy to give you back a confident smile.
We offer different types of dentures to treat all patterns of tooth loss:
If you’re missing part of your smile or random teeth throughout your mouth, Dr. Salibian can use a partial denture to complete your grin like missing pieces to a puzzle. A partial denture is typically made up of a gum-colored base that is attached to artificial teeth, held in place using metal clasps.
For those missing all or most of their teeth, we may recommend a full denture. This is a gum-colored based attached to artificial teeth that are typically made of durable resin. The prosthesis rests on top of the gums, relying on suction and denture adhesive to stay in place.
This option combines dentures and dental implants to provide the most stable full smile replacement available. Using an average of 4 dental implants that are placed in the jawbone as supports, we can mount a denture on top. This solution looks and feels like a natural smile because dental implants replace teeth from the roots up.
Dentures are not one-size-fits-all. Each prosthesis needs to be personalized to fit comfortably in the patient’s mouth. If you have never gotten dentures before, you may be curious about how they’re made with your specific needs in mind. Below we have provided a summary of the steps taken to create dentures, as well as information about the materials involved. Learning more about this process can help you develop a deeper appreciation for your beautiful new teeth!
Naturally, you will want your artificial teeth to resemble natural teeth as closely as possible. To that end, the replacement teeth attached to your dentures will typically be made out of porcelain. In addition to its ability to closely mimic the color and light-reflecting properties of natural tooth enamel, porcelain is also notable for its durability, being able to last in the mouth for a long time.
Of course, you will also want the base of the denture (the part that supports the artificial teeth) to look lifelike as well. There are a few different kinds of materials that the base can be made out of, but acrylic is often used since it can closely match the appearance of your gums. Partial dentures often have an acrylic base along with metal clips.
Your dentures will be made in a separate laboratory. However, the process actually begins at our own office; we’ll capture impressions of your upper and lower gums in order to create a model of your mouth. When the technicians at the lab receive this model, they will be able to determine what size and shape your dentures need to be.
A wax version of your gums will be made. Then artificial teeth will be carefully placed in the wax using a device called an articulator. The next step is to send the wax dentures to our office so that you can try them on. If you’re happy with the way they fit, the dentures will be returned to the lab so that the process can continue.
The wax portion will need to be melted away, so the dentures will be inserted into a flask. Said flask will be immersed in hot water, but not before plaster has been added to ensure that your dentures don’t lose their shape.
Acrylic will be injected into the flask so that it can act as the new base for your dentures. The plaster will be removed, and any acrylic that’s not needed will be trimmed off. The completed prosthesis will be thoroughly polished before it is returned to our office for the final fitting.
When you first start wearing your new dentures, your mouth may be mildly sore. Furthermore, it will take some time to get used to your prosthesis. Fortunately, you can expect to adjust to your dentures over time as long as you wear them regularly. There are ways to help the adjustment process go faster, such as exercising your facial muscles or maintaining a diet of soft foods for a while.
Dentures are a highly personalized product, so the cost of your tooth replacement will largely vary from someone else’s. Everything from the number of teeth Dr. Salibian needs to replace to the materials used to fabricate your prosthesis will incur their own unique costs. Our office is happy to break them down for you in more detail during your next appointment.
Dentures are absolutely life-changing for people who have experienced extensive tooth loss. They are able to restore the appearance and function of the teeth. Continue reading to learn about some of the amazing benefits that this restoration has to offer.
If you don’t currently have any healthy teeth, this can be a challenging thing to accept. Many sufferers of extensive tooth loss encounter negative effects on their self-esteem and confidence, leading to a higher risk of sadness and depression. By restoring your smile with dentures, you can feel better about your image, reducing anxieties about your appearance, speech articulation, chewing ability, and more.
Having gaps in your smile can make it more challenging to pronounce certain sounds and say different words. To enunciate your words, your lips and tongue need to be positioned in a specific way. With gaps in your smile, your tongue is unable to sit against your teeth, making some words nearly impossible to say.
Lots of nutrient-dense foods are tough in texture. This includes healthy proteins, fruits, and veggies. If you aren’t able to chew your food thoroughly due to tooth loss, this can negatively impact your eating habits, ultimately resulting in indigestion and malnutrition. With dentures, you can chew your food more easily allowing you to enjoy a more expansive diet.
If you still have some healthy teeth, dentures can help to keep them in better shape. By filling in the gaps with partial dentures, you can keep the surrounding teeth from shifting around. Dentures also help to bear some of the weight of routine biting and chewing, limiting the wear and tear on the existing teeth.
Making a good first impression is key when you are attending interviews, negotiating sales, and attending social gatherings. Your smile is one of the first things that people notice about you, so having teeth that appear to be healthy will do nothing but help you. In fact, studies have found that the probability of being employed is negatively associated with poor dental health.
The key to long-lasting and successful dentures is how well you maintain them. This means that to preserve their appearance and function, you’ll want to continue visiting your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. On top of polishing your new pearly whites, they can help keep an eye out for any underlying or developing concerns and provide the necessary treatment to stop complications before they can worsen. Our team will even give you specific instructions for making the most of your restorations so that they last you many years. Read on to learn several important tips on caring for your dentures in Belmont.
Once you’ve finished eating a meal, you’ll want to take out your dentures and rinse them thoroughly. This will help keep them clean and prevent debris, food particles, and bacteria from building up on your restorations. You’ll need to ensure plaque and tartar don’t accumulate on or underneath your dentures, as this can increase the risk of infection and gum disease. Try not to use hot water, which can result in warped or ill-fitting restorations.
It’s best to remove your dentures before brushing them, as this will allow you to clean off the top and underside of your new teeth. The last thing you’d want is to have debris and harmful bacteria resting on your gums for lengthy periods. Make sure you use a soft-bristled toothbrush for scrubbing your restorations and use a small amount of unscented hand soap, mild dish soap, or denture cleanser. Don’t use toothpaste, which can end up wearing down your dentures. Rinse your restorations carefully before putting them back in your mouth, that way you don’t ingest any cleaning material.
While you’re brushing and rinsing off your dentures, you’ll want to make sure you don’t accidentally drop or break them in the process. In case you do drop them, try placing a towel underneath to protect their fall. Once you’re finished cleaning, put them somewhere safe and out of reach from small children or even pets. A good place for them can be a cup of lukewarm water or denture cleanser, which can keep them fresh and bacteria-free until you wear them again.
You should always remove your dentures before sleeping. This will give your gums plenty of time to rest and obtain the essential nutrients to stay strong and healthy. Having your dentures in overnight can actually raise your risk of pneumonia and/or gum plaque. You can even soak them in denture solution or water to keep them clean until you wake up.
Should you notice any considerable changes in the look, feel, or function of your dentures, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist. You should especially notify our team if you see any gum irritation, mouth sores, or signs of infection. Do NOT try repairing your restorations on your own with household products, as this can worsen the issue. Call your dentist so that they can determine whether to repair or replace your dentures.
These types of dentures won’t need to be removed, so you can easily clean them like your natural pearly whites. Simply brush twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Avoid using abrasive or stain-removing toothpaste which can wear down the surface of your restorations. Floss every day or after every meal, and try using floss threaders to clean underneath the dentures. Remember to rinse your mouth with ADA-approved mouthwash to fight off plaque and tartar.
Getting dentures in Belmont for the first time is quite the adjustment at first. Dr. Salibian is always happy to answer questions, but he knows that getting new teeth can be stressful time, which is why he wants to do everything he can to try and get the information you need to you as early as possible. Check out the list of frequently asked questions that we’ve compiled below. Call our office if you have another concern that isn’t addressed here.
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